Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Si hoy estuvieras entre nosotros estarias cumpliendo 65 anios. Seguramente estarias en tu amado Bouceros  pasando el invierno junto a Maria, Carla, Blandino, Santiago, avo y tus hermanos que alla viven. Hoy estamos pensando en ti Minico querido,  recordando los buenos momentos que vivimos y no puedo evitar sentir nostalgia porque la verdad es que desde que te fuiste dejaste un gran vacio porque Nelson , las ninas y yo estamos mas solos y casi  huerfanos de familia, porque eras tu el patriarca de esta familia. Para quienes no lo conocieron les cuento que Herminio Custodio alias Minico era un hombre alegre y chistoso, amante del vino y la buena mesa Portuguesa. Era un cocinero fantastico.  Casi siempre sonreia . Minico era un hombre trabajador quien con muy pocos estudios y  a punta de trabajo y esfuerzo construyo un buen pasar para el y sus hijos.
Hoy quiero honrar tu memoria  porque se que desde el cielo estas cuidandonos....y seguramente tambien retandonos cada vez que discutimos o hacemos alguna tontera. Me da mucha pena que no estes con nosotros para ver crecer a tus nietas y nieto que tanto quisiste. Gracias por haber sido lo mas parecido a un padre que tuve en este pais.  Por haber hecho de Nelson el gran companero y papa que es. Por ensenarme que el amor por la familia y nuestra tierra de origen nunca se deben olvidar.
Ya nos encontaremos algun dia todos juntos como tantas veces lo hicimos a disfrutar de un buen vino Porto y de ese camaron al ajillo que tan bien preparabas para todos nosotros. Nunca quisiste darnos la receta. Al cielo te la llevaste.

El dia de tu cumpleanios te enviamos muchos besos y abrazos celestiales.
Te extranamos!

If you were among us today you would be turning 65 years old. You would probably be celebrating your Birthday in your beloved Bouceiros along with Maria, Carla, Blandino, Santiago,  avo and your brothers and sisters whom still live there. Today we are thinking of you dear Minico, remembering the good times we lived together,  however I can help to feel nostalgia because since you left us Nelson, the girls and I feel more lonely  because you were the patriarch of this family. For whom never met Minico let me tell you that Herminio Custodio was a very happy and funny guy. He loved wine and the good Portuguese cosine. He was a great cook. He was almost always smiling unless something or someone would make him mad. Minico was a very hardworking men who with very little education made a good living for his family and himself.
Today I want to honor your memory because I know you are watching us from heaven, taking care of us. I feel sad you are not here to see your grandchildren grow up, I know how much you loved them. Thanks for being a father to me in this foreign country. For raising Nelson in a  way that he is now a good partner and father for our kids. For teaching me that family love and love for our country of origin should never be forgotten.
I know we will meet one day like many other times around a table to enjoy a good Port wine and that very good garlic shrimp dish that you used to cook for us. You never shared the recipe. You took it to heaven.
On your birthday we are sending you much celestial love.
We miss you.

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