Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A nice gesture...Un gesto amable

Me encanta escribir tarjetas. Para agradecer, para desear feliz cumpleanos, feliz aniversario o para decir cuanto a alguien o cuanto aprecio a lgun gesto amable o un favor . De hecho por eso fue que empece a vender mis foto-tarjetas porque para mi las palabras son tan importantes. Me gusta imaginar a que par de manos iran a papar y que palabras lindas escribiran dentro. Me parece magico desparramar carino, o agradecimiento atraves de las palabras.
La semana pasada mi hija Maya vino corriendo del jardin con una hoja en forma de corazon y me pidio que le sacara una foto y que le diera una copia a Mrs. Martin. Una de sus profesoras mas queridas. Mrs. Martin es todo lo que mi Maya ama en una persona. Es super chistosa, carinosa y le encanta contar y que le cuenten historias. Le hice una copia y le escribi una par de palabras para agradecerle a Mrs. Martin todo su carino y dedicacion para con nuestra Maya. Al llegar a casa Maya me dijo que Mrs. Martin se emociono cuando leyo la nota pero que eran lagrimas de alegria. Ayer me la encontre en el pasillo del jardin de Maya y me dio una gran abrazo y me dijo que la nota le llego en un momento muy dificil porque su marido ha estado yendo y viniendo del hospital y que habia estado muy sencible y estresada. Me parece que cada vez que esribo mis notas el recibimiento es el mismo. En este mundo donde vivimos de prisa, no vemos, no nos detenemos a apreciar o a realmente a observar que pasa a nuestro alrededor. Que lindo es recibir una palabras sinceras de amor, de elogio o de agradecimiento. No cuesta mucho pero significa tanto para quien las recibe.
Aqui los dejo con la foto que Maya le dio a Mrs. Martin

I love writing cards. Whether to say thank you, happy birthday, happy anniversary , say how much I appreciate somebody or how much a nice gesture or favor means to me. As a matter of fact that is why I started selling my photo cards because words are very important tome. I like to think where would my cards end it up...and what kind words people would write in it. I think is magical to spread out the love and appreciation through words.
Last week my daughter Maya came back running from the back yard with a heart shaped leave. She asked me to take a picture and make a copy to gist it to Mrs. Martin, one of Maya's favorite teachers. Mrs. Martin is everything my Maya loves in a person. She is very funny and loving and she loves to listen to stories and tell stories as well. I made a copy of the picture and I wrote a note to thank her for loving our little Maya. When Maya came home that day she said Mrs. Marty got emotional but they were happy tears. yesterday I saw her in the hallway and she thank me for the note she told me her husband has been coming in and out of the hospital and has been very sensitive and stressed out. It seems to me that every time I do something like that the response is the same. In today's world where we live on the go, there's no time to stop and appreciate neither to observe what's around us. How special is to receive words of appreciation ,love and complements. It doesn't take much but it means so much for whom receive them.
here is the picture that Maya gifted to Mrs. Martin

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